Your “impressions”
On Tuesdays, I usually ponder random things instead of reacting to the news.
Today I got to thinking — who is reading my tweets and visiting my site (how many people? from where? etc.) And what can I do to better make sure that what I’m tweeting and writing about is interesting to you?
When I was growing up, I used to be a little obsessed with keeping up with stats from the Chicago Cubs (baseball), so this kind of thing is interesting to me for whatever reason.
Here’s a brief look at some Twitter and website stats I could find, then some ideas and questions that come to mind. At the end is a Twitter poll so you can say what you like (or don’t like), or you can leave comments at the end of this post!
Since I started this site in Jan, I’ll look from then until now.
current number of followers as of May 25: 1383
number of impressions Jan 2021-today: 660.9K
total engagement Jan 2021-today: 9.2K (including 5.5K likes, 889 replies)
followers by region: USA 91.3%, Europe 4.7%, Australia 2.8%…
number of page views Jan 2021-today: 985
number of visitors Jan 2021-today: 517
visits by page: home page 28.3%, blog 14.1%, charity 5.4%…
visitors by country: USA 70.2%, Canada 21.5%, UK 1.6%…
So what conclusions and questions do I get from this?
My tweets so far this year have been viewed over 660,000 times! That’s absolutely mind-boggling.
Is this normal for a “random” person on Twitter?
Is this largely because of live tweeting and being “TYT famous” (lol — someone called me that recently, but I have gotten my tweets and comments read on air dozens, perhaps around 100, times)
And yet, I have “only” less than 1400 followers.
Is this a normal impressions to followers gained metric? I would think that more people would be engaging with my tweets and following me.
Is this something I should actively try to grow, or does it / should it happen organically?
2. My website:
I have almost 1,000 visitors so far (unique or repeat) to my website, which isn’t too bad IMO for a ragtag blog I started less than 5 months ago.
How does this compare with other “random” blogs out there?
Does this make the blog a success and worth my time, or should I cut down the 5-10 hours a week I spend writing and promoting it?
Most people are going to my home page ( and my blog (, including the individual blog entries) than the other pages.
Is this because the other pages are less interesting for visitors, or because I’ve made very few updates to them?
Is it because this is where I usually link to on Twitter, both for my blog posts and for the monthly donation poll? I don’t have stats on it, but it seems to me like the Twitter posts about my site do less well than other tweets I have. Maybe I should check out the new Twitter newsletter option?
So here’s my Twitter poll. If you have two seconds, let me know what you think, and then vote in the Survey Monkey survey below to help decide who will get a $50 donation from! Or if you only have one second, then you could just vote in the Survey Monkey poll. :)
🚨 Before you go, don’t forget to vote in the poll for which progressive org or cause will get May’s $50 donation from!
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