Eat, smoke, and be happy on 4/20?
Everyone, or almost everyone, in the US knows that 4/20 is a day to celebrate marijuana. Or celebrate while partaking in marijuana.
Progressives in particular are loud and proud about being consumers of marijuana and vocal supporters of legalizing pot. And since I mostly interact with progressives online, it sometimes seems like everyone I know uses pot, of the edible or smokable kind.
I’ve never had pot in any form. 😮 I have friends and family members who use marijuana, either edibles or smoking. But it’s never really been something I wanted to try.
I used to drink alcohol. I used to smoke cigars sometimes. I wasn’t very good at moderation for either, probably partly because I grew up surrounded by parents and family members who abused both of these. That also may be part of why those were the drugs I tried, not to mention the fact that pot’s always been illegal wherever I’ve lived is also another factor and I’m not a big risk taker (who knows, maybe the cops will burst in at any minute!).
But anyway, when my wife was pregnant, I decided I’d stop drinking out of solidarity with her. I didn’t have withdrawal symptoms, and didn’t really miss it that much, to be honest. Similar with the cigars.
And after my daughter was born, I just decided not to start again. I’ve had a half of glass here or there socially, but even for that it’s been a few years now. I’m not one of those “I don’t drink/smoke so you can’t and I’ll judge you for doing it” people. I’m extremely lucky because I know for a lot of people, especially those who overindulge, stopping can be difficult or impossible without treatment.
But I’ve never smoked pot or eaten an edible. I’m not really interested in trying it either. But I am curious what it’s like. Some people only partake in marijuana and nothing else. Other folks sometimes get high, and other times drink. Or sometimes both or in some combination with harder drugs or tobacco.
So I’m doing a Twitter poll to see for people who follow me or happen to see the tweet, which one(s) you use personally and why. Happy 4/20 to those who celebrate!