Despite any rumors you may have heard or started, is not dead yet! It’s been a roller coaster kind of year for me — and I hate roller coasters, so that isn’t meant to be a positive description of things.
After mostly laying low (on my own blog!) for the past several months, I’ve changed around some things to reflect what I’m able and interested in doing with the site now that I’ve had to rearrange my schedule some for personal, health, and work reasons. I’m recommitting myself to posting daily Monday - Thursday on the blog, plus a FollowFriday post on Fridays (appropriately enough), so site visitors know when to expect new content.
Here’s the new organization and (pacifist-friendly) plan-of-attack for the site. For those of you who are new, welcome! For those who have been, or used to, come to my site, the main features are the same but just tweaked a little.
Blog: Posts about progressive politics, news, and other “miscellaneous” things Monday through Thursday. My posts won’t be as in-depth as before — my goal is 30 minutes or less per post, since that apparently worked well for Domino’s — but I will often link to, and comment on, articles or videos in the news in case you missed them.
Causes: I’m no longer doing the monthly $50 donation poll. I’m still donating about $50 a month (sometimes more) to progressive organizations and causes, but the polls took a while to keep track of and promote. Some months they got a good number of votes, other months…not so much. So I’ve left up on the Causes page the winning progressive-friendly organizations that you can donate time or money to if you can and are interested in doing so, and will add other causes from time to time that I donate to and/or feature in blog posts. Feel free to suggest others for me to feature!
#FollowFriday: In times like these, progressives and liberally-minded folks (in the good sense of the word liberal) need to stick together. So this is a chance for me to give a shoutout to people who recently clicked the Follow button, so you can check out their accounts and maybe join me in following them. I’m writing this a month or so after Elon Musk bought Twitter and started tearing the place down, but the large majority of my followers are still on Twitter and I somehow have a net gain of followers in the past month despite some good people leaving Twitter for greener pastures like Mastodon (which I’m also on now!). So this should help build up my and your network!
Tweets: I revamped the old Tweets page a little with a couple new “live” hashtags that autopopulate to show what people are currently saying about several topics on Twitter, and also a few new “top” posts from me for the past year or so. I plan to look into including content from Instagram and/or Mastodon if I start posting more on there and figure out how to do that on the blog. :)
I did that in just under 30 minutes, yay me! [And just over 30 minutes after editing.] I’m planning on dusting off and finishing a post I started about the craziness happening with Twitter, so keep your eyes out for that and other posts on here every weekday.
Thank you for visiting the blog and hope to catch you on here, Twitter, Mastodon, or Instagram soon!